Sunday, May 28, 2006

Art of Dying

I was a regular reader of Art Buchwald's column in The Hindu. Though, his American sense of humor and satire would sometimes go over my head, most of the times, his column would leave a smile on my face for the rest of the day. Recently, I read about his ailment in the Hindu, and googled for more.

True to being a humorist, this Pulitzer Prize winner, talks on a lighter note, about his approaching death!

In a world and period where people are racing against time and destiny to win over death, What an attitude to not only accept death, but greet it with a smile! Art has refused dialysis for his failing kidneys (It would be a sin on my part to use un-Arty words like ‘suffering’ or ‘ailment’).

He, not only chose a graceful exit, but has cheerfully accepted the fact and quips about his end! This act of courage and strength has not only belittled the gloom around death but, has actually challenged the medical science. It is told that Art is doing very well than expected and is going for a holiday from his hospice. Now, death seems to be too scared to approach Art! Again, so typical of Art to quip 'Never trust your kidneys'

Quoting his golden words : 'Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got.'

I really wish, when I die, it would be a delightful one!


krishis said...

true, he's got a different perception ... maybe he's all the more on those lines, now more than ever ... but yes, good to know he's planning on a vacation ...

and nice post too ...

Anonymous said...

ninaipadhellam nadandhu vittal :)

Mukund said...

i still miss his columns a lot....

Yadhvi said...

yeah! Good he's doing good!

true... and that is such a nice song!

me too! hope Hindu re-publishes his (g)old columns